What driver’s license penalties can a DUI cause?

On Behalf of | Dec 22, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Motorists can get arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) charges in a variety of different situations. Some people encounter DUI checkpoints where police officers scrutinize everyone and arrest those who fail tests.

Others might face charges because of testing after a motor vehicle collision or a one-on-one traffic stop. Those accused of drunk driving often worry about jail time and financial penalties. The courts also have the authority to revoke a driver’s license after a DUI conviction.

People who lose their driving privileges may struggle to maintain their jobs and provide for their families. The longer people go without driving privileges, the bigger the impact the loss of their privileges can have. How long do drivers typically lose their licenses after a DUI conviction?

The courts have a degree of discretion

State statutes make licensing penalties mandatory in most DUI cases. However, the law provides both a minimum and maximum penalty, and the courts determine what consequences are appropriate given the circumstances.

The prior record of the driver accused and the impact the DUI offense had on others determine the penalties the courts may impose. A first DUI that did not result in injury to others can cost a defendant their license for between 180 days and a year. If the situation involved injury to others, the driver accused could lose their license for three years or longer.

A second DUI within five years of a prior offense can lead to a five-year license revocation. A third offense within 10 years of a second DUI can result in a 10-year revocation. Fourth DUI charges can result in permanent license revocation.

In scenarios where the gap between a first and second offense or a second or third offense is longer than the lookback period, the driver may face less serious consequences. Fourth DUI charges are the exception to this rule. No matter how much time has passed, the driver is at risk of permanently losing their license.

Recognizing how serious the consequences of a DUI conviction can be may help people see why fighting such charges is potentially a smart choice. Those who need to preserve their driving privileges may need help when responding to impaired driving allegations.